The MIrreM research is led by 18 institutions.

The research undertaken by the project spans 20 countries: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Finland, Greece, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the USA and Canada (including five transit countries).
The University for Continuing Education Krems is the leading public university for continuing education in Europe. Established in 1995 as a university centre for continuing education and subsequently expanded to a full university, the university specialises in enhancing the qualifications of working professionals. Its programmes courses are oriented toward current and future societal challenges. Approximately 8,000 students are currently enrolled, more than 27,000 students have already completed their studies successfully.
The mission of the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) at the European University Institute (EUI) is to conduct advanced research on the transnational governance of international migration, asylum and mobility. It provides new ideas, rigorous evidence and critical thinking to inform major European and global policy debates. Its goals are the advancement of academic research, the dialogue with policy-makers and stakeholders and training in the field of migration.

Osnabrück University, founded in 1974, is a young, vibrant university in northwest Germany that is renowned for its research and teaching in the areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Law and Economics. The University provides ideal conditions for about 14.000 students and PhD students to learn and conduct research.

Maastricht University (UM) is the most international university in the Netherlands and, with nearly 22,000 students and 4,400 employees, is still growing. Located in the heart of Europe, UM can rightly call itself the European university of the Netherlands. More than half of our student population and almost half of our academic staff come from abroad. Together, they represent more than 100 different nationalities. The university distinguishes itself with its innovative education model, international character and multidisciplinary approach to research and education. Thanks to its high-quality research and education, as well as a strong focus on social engagement, UM has quickly built a solid reputation. Today, it is considered one of the best young universities in the world
The University of Turku has more than 20,000 students and a staff of 3,400 people. It is the second largest university if Finland, located in the town of Turku with 200,000 inhabitants at the southwest coast. The Geography Section of the Department of Geography and Geology, that is involved in the Mirrem project, has more than 300 students and a staff of 50 people, including eight professors. The focus of the department is research and teaching on human-nature integration in geography.
The Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) is the largest university in Spain and one of the oldest and most prestigious. Its origin dates back to the late 13th Century when Cardinal Cisneros founded the “El Colegio Mayor San Ildefonso”, the predecessor of today’s university, in the town of Alcalá de Henares. Today the Complutense University is one of the largest universities in Europe with 72,061 Students enrolled (2020-2021), 6,251 Teaching and Researching Staff, 1.238 Researchers and trainee staff and 3.310 Administration Staff
The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) is an independent, non-profit organization established in Athens, Greece in 1988. ELIAMEP’s mission is to conduct policy-oriented research and provide policy makers, academia, and the public at large with authoritative information, analysis, and policy recommendations, for the development of evidence-based responses to major European and foreign policy challenges.

With a teaching staff of about 2.200 tenured professors and with almost 60.000 students, the University of Milan is the largest university in Lombardy, one of the most dynamic and internationally-oriented EU regions. The University of Milan offers several study programmes covering three macro-disciplinary areas: i) Humanities, Social Sciences and Law, ii) Medicine and Healthcare, iii) Natural Sciences. The broad range of subjects taught, in the running 137 Undergraduate programmes, 57 Master programmes, 9 Single-cycle programmes, 21 Doctoral Schools, and several Advanced Vocational programmes, attracts students from all of Italy and the whole world.

The University of Potsdam was founded in 1991 after German reunification and is the largest university in the Federal State of Brandenburg – the region surrounding Berlin. It consists of around 21.000 students, 3.000 employees, and 300 professors, distributed across 7 faculties (Science, Arts, Law, Humanities, Economics and Social Sciences, Digital Engineering and Faculty of Health Sciences). The University of Potsdam’s research focus is on Data-Centric Sciences, Earth and Environmental Systems, Evolutionary Systems Biology and Cognitive Sciences. The university is among the World’s 250 Best Universities in the International THE Rankings. Currently, the University hosts 25 Horizon 2020 and 11 Horizon Europe Projects.
PICUM, the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, is a network of organisations working to ensure social justice and human rights for undocumented migrants. PICUM seeks a world where human mobility is recognised as a normal reality, and where all people are guaranteed their human rights regardless of migration or residence status. Grounded in principles and values of social justice, anti-racism and equality, PICUM is committed to ensuring that undocumented migrants have a dignified standard of living and rights.

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development is an international organisation with 20 Member States and active in over 90 countries worldwide. ICMPD’s purpose is to promote innovative, comprehensive and sustainable migration policies and to function as a service exchange mechanism for organisations and governments. Headquartered in Vienna, it has a mission in Brussels and several regional offices and representatives throughout Europe, Northern Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. ICMPD holds UN observer status. The organisation’s approach is based on three interlinked pillars: Migration Dialogues, Capacity Building, and Research.

Migration Policy Institute Europe (MPI Europe) is a nonprofit, independent research institute devoted to providing a better understanding of migration in 21st century Europe. Founded in Brussels in 2011, MPI Europe provides authoritative research and practical policy design to governmental and nongovernmental stakeholders who seek more effective management of immigration, immigrant integration, and asylum systems as well as successful outcomes for newcomers, families of immigrant background, and receiving communities throughout Europe.

The Centre of Migration Research (CMR) is a leading interdisciplinary inter-faculty research-intensive unit of the University of Warsaw (UW), specializing in studies on migration processes in Poland and Europe. Established in 1993 it presents one of the oldest migration research centres in Europe. It is also one of the biggest ones with currently over 70 researchers and affiliates providing a perfectly interdisciplinary combination of economists, sociologists, political scientists, psychologists, anthropologists, geographers and lawyers.

VUB is an Urban Engaged University in Brussels, the heart of Europe. 20,000 students, nearly a quarter of them from abroad, are engaged in building their future and that of the world. With top-quality scientific research and customised education, VUB makes an active and engaged contribution to a better and more sustainable society. At the VUB, the Interface Demography research group is collaborating with the MIrreM project.Research at Interface Demography is aimed at enhancing scientific understanding of the determinants and consequences of population change.
The Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration (CERC Migration) is the first ever CERC awarded to Toronto Metropolitan University, building on the university’s strengths and commitments in the area of immigration and settlement studies. The CERC in Migration and Integration is led by Professor Anna Triandafyllidou. The program is producing innovative and usable knowledge on the links between migration and post-migration processes, forced and voluntary mobility, internal and international migration, and the role of countries of origin and transit. CERC Migration pays special attention to Canadian realities while also engaging in comparative research with and among other countries in various global regions.
The University of Leicester was founded as Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland University College in 1921. The site for the University was donated by a local businessman, Thomas Fielding Johnson, in order to create a living memorial for all local people who made sacrifices during the First World War. This is reflected in the University’s motto Ut vitam habeant – ‘so that they may have life’. Amongst the University’s most celebrated research achievements are the discovery of DNA fingerprinting in 1984 and the discovery and identification of the remains of King Richard III in 2012.
The University of Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world. It is consistently ranked among the world’s top ten universities and plays an influential role in many scientific fields. The University of Oxford’s participation in MIrreM is anchored in the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS).
Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa is a public university established in 1972, dedicated to the areas of Management and Economics, SSH and Public Policy, ICT and Architecture. Iscte has 11.000 students (20% international, 95 countries) enrolled in undergraduate (45%) and postgraduate (55%) programmes and employs 300 professors and 450 integrated researchers. It cooperates with more than 100 international entities, including the private and third sector, as well as 700 higher education institutions, annually running over 200 scientific projects. CIES-Iscte – Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia is one of the eight R&D units Iscte incorporates.
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