Myriam Cherti
Myriam is involved in WP3 (Politics: Understanding legal and policy contexts) and WP4 (Stocks of migrants with an irregular status).
Myriam Cherti is a Senior Researcher at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University Oxford. In COMPAS works with the Global Exchange on Migration and Diversity where she is the Principal Investigator for the C-MISE initiative, a knowledge-exchange programme supporting European cities to share knowledge on best practice and policy responses regarding irregular migrants. Prior to that, she was Head of Migration Governance, Data and Research at the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in Morocco. Previously, she led the Migration and Development Unit of IOM in the UK. In 2018, she was seconded by IOM to work with the Moroccan government, leading the organisation of the Global Forum for Migration and Development as well as the preparations for the adoption of the Global Compact on Migration. Myriam has worked as a Senior Researcher before at COMPAS when she was Co-Investigator on a project researching irregular migration and immigration enforcement in the UK. Before that, she led migration research at the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) and worked for Migrants Organise. She has extensive experience and expertise in the fields of irregular migration, migrant integration and reintegration, diaspora policy and Moroccan migration. Myriam has also worked as a consultant and independent researcher on several European projects on migrant integration. She holds a PhD in Migration Studies from the University of Sussex and an MSc in Social Policy from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences.