PhD School and other training opportunities for migration scholars
Advanced Training in Migration Studies and Research Methods: Below you can find various training opportunities for scholars and practitioners interested in migration studies […]
De-centring the Study of Migrant Returns and Readmission Policies in Europe and Beyond (GAPs) // March 2023-February 2026
GAPs will explore the disconnects between expectations of return policies and their actual outcomes by decentering the dominant, one-sided understanding of "return policy making" by examining return infrastructures, migration diplomacy and migration trajectories with a focus on 13 countries in Europe, Africa and the broader Middle East. // Coordinators: Soner Bartholoma (Uppsala University) and Zeynep Mencütek (Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies)
Finding Agreement in Return (FAiR) // May 2023-April 2026
FAiR addresses the legitimacy deficits that plague policies on return and alternatives to return. It complements dominant rational choice perspectives by assessing the importance of norms, frames and shared meanings for intergovernmental cooperation on return, focusing on 5 non-EU+ (Georgia, Iraq, Niger, Nigeria, Turkey) and 5 EU states+ (Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland, Switzerland). // Coordinator: Arjen Leerkes (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
Motivations, experiences and consequences of returns and readmissions policy: revealing and developing effective alternatives (MORE) // October 2023-September 2026
MORE problematises the focus on effectiveness of return. It explores perceptions of return and readmission policies amongst stakeholders as well as their consequences, explores alternative solutions and examines why certain ‘solutions’ are preferred over others. // Coordinator: Olga Jubany (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Improving the living and labour conditions of irregularised migrant households in Europe (I-CLAIM) // April 2023-March 2026
I-Claim investigates the living and working conditions of irregularised migrant households in Europe from an intersectional perspective. It will develop the concept of irregularity assemblages to understand how migrants' irregularity is produced by the interplay of laws, policies and practice, welfare regimes, and political, media and public narrative. // Coordinators: Ilse van Liempt (Utrecht University) and Nando Sigona (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)
Protecting Irregular Migrants in Europe (PRIME): Institutions, Interests and Policies // April 2023-March 2026
PRIME will study how variations in national institutions, and the interests with which they are associated, shape the rights and conditions of irregular migrants in law, policy and practice in eight European countries. // Coordinator: Martin Ruhs (European University Institute, Florence, Italy)
Dignity For Irregular Migrants in EU Farm2Fork Labour Markets (DignityFIRM) // April 2023-March 2026
DignityFIRM examines conditions of irregular migrants working in farm to fork (F2F) labour markets in four EU Member States (Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland) and two associated countries (Morocco and Ukraine) and how they can be improved. // Coordinator: Tesseltje de Lange (Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands)